Membrane Welding for Landfills and Mining

Landfill and Mine Construction
When it comes to constructing landfills and mines, the sealing system is the focal point of the installation. Its reliability is crucial to ensuring safety. HD-PE or LD-PE is typically used as the bottom geomembrane and can be up to 3 mm thick. Leister offers welding machines for all requirements, as the hot-wedge and combi-wedge machines are designed differently in terms of welding force, welding speed, and data recording features.
In mine construction, the material, which is loosened mechanically or by blasting, is washed out in collecting basins (heap leaching pads). The waterproofing system ensures that chemicals dissolved in water do not escape into the groundwater or contaminate the soil.
From the powerful automatic machine GEOSTAR to the lightweight TWINNY, there are various models from Leister for welding geomembranes. They all have special nozzles, heating wedges and pressure rollers and are ideal for welding lap joints with test channel.
In the test channel, the post-weld tightness is tested using the Leister test needle and compressed air. This method was developed by Leister in 1977 and is a global standard today. In addition, Leister offers further devices for weld seam inspection with EXAMO, vacuum box and test bell.